Protect Yourself And Your Family When Buying a Home!
How to Safely Navigate the Home Buying and Inspection Process
Buying a home is scary, especially when you hear all sorts of stories of unethical real estate agents, home sellers hiding issues with the house and then you have the home inspection. Is the home inspector working for the agent to get them the sale or is the home inspection company working for you the home buyer, to protect your own interests?

It is hard to know at times and we are tired of seeing bad things happen to good people. Which is why we created these resources for people like you, home buyers.

We have information to help you recognize an unethical real estate agent and on recognizing a bad home inspector. By knowing these things you will be better able to select an aboveboard real estate agent that wants to protect you. You also will know how to select a home inspector or home inspection company (it is not always the person your agent wants you to use).

-Special things to look for when selecting a home inspection company
-Indicators that you have may a bad home inspector or bad agent
-The differences in Associations
-Where to start
-The 4 step plan for researching home inspectors
-Critical Questions
-What to do if you find an unethical agent or home inspector
-Home Inspector interview questions
-Recommended Resources
-The home buying process overview 

Complete the form on the right side of the page to get instant access.

You will also be able to request access to our secret discussion group page so you can discuss situation and ask questions.

Do not fear, you will not be receiving lots of emails trying to talk you into something. Logically I know that once you are looking for a home inspector you need to have that done within a few days so there is no point in my or anybody else constantly contacting you. Use the the information provided to help you make your own intelligent decision. 

I wish you well, 
Jim Troth, CMI CMII, CPE
Jim Troth Ohio Home Inspection
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